Study programme
wYPed22d - Pedagogy
Document type:
Description of the study programme
The name of the university:
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
The seat of the university:
Trieda A. Hlinku 1, 949 01 Nitra I
The name of the faculty:
The Faculty of Education
The seat of the faculty:
Dražovská 4, 949 01 Nitra I
Institution body for approving the study programme:
Council for Quality Assurance of Education FE CPU in Nitra; Council for Internal Quality Assessment of Higher Education CPU in Nitra
Date of the latest change in the study programme description:
Reference to the results of the latest periodic review of the study programme by the institution:
Reference to the assessment report of the application for accreditation of the study programme under § 30 of Act no. 269/2018 Coll.:
1. - Basic information about the study programme
a) - Name of the study program and its number according to the register of study programmes.
Pedagogy, full-time 7140
b) - Degree of higher education and ISCED-F education degree code.
doctoral, ISCED 8, 864
c) - Place(s) of delivery of the study programme.
PF UKF v Nitre
d) - Name and number of the field of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, or a combination of two fields of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, ISCED-F codes of the field/fields.
38. Teacher Training and Education Science (Portal VS 7605), 0111 Education science
e) - Type of the study programme: academically oriented, professionally oriented; translation, translation combination study programme (listing the specializations); teaching, teaching combination study programme (listing the specializations); artistic, engineering, doctoral, preparation for regulated profession, joint study programme, interdisciplinary studies.
academically oriented
Awarded academic degree after the name
g) - Form of study.
full time
h) - In the case of joint study programmes, cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfills at each of the given institutions (§ 54a of the Act on Higher Education Institutions).

not applicable to this programme

i) - Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered.
Slovak Language
j) - Standard length of the study expressed in academic years.
3 years full-time
k) - Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students), the actual number of applicants and students.
3 full-time (2022/2023); 1 full-time (2021/2022); 3 full-time (1.11.2021)
2. - Graduate profile and learning objectives
a) - The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The graduate has demonstrated a systematic understanding of the history, development and latest scientific knowledge in the field of educational sciences. He/she has acquired knowledge of the methodology of pedagogical research, skills and methods of pedagogical research, demonstrated the ability to conceive and design, construct and plan, implement and evaluate pedagogical research and interpret its results in accordance with the principles of scientific integrity and publishing ethics. With his/her outputs of creative activity the graduate has contributed to the expansion of the boundaries of scientific knowledge in the field of educationall sciences. The graduate is able to critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise new and complex concepts, especially those related to his/her own area of expertise. He/she is able to work with national and international source databases. He/she is able to work as a member of a research team, but also to manage his/her own research. The graduate is able to work interdisciplinarily and interdepartmentally, to participate in international cooperation in the field, to communicate with the professional and lay public and to present the results of his/her own research process and expertise. 

The graduate is expected to be able to develop knowledge in the field of educational sciences in an academic and professional context and to promote technical, social or cultural progress in society, to participate in public discourse, to influence public opinion in favour of the fulfilment of the objectives of the development of the field of Teaching and Educational Sciences, to introduce and formulate innovative and new research problems and topics, to propose, validate and implement new research or working practices in the field of educational sciences, to complement and refine the scientific language of the field and new areas of knowledge, especially in the field of its own expertise.

Knowledge: The graduate has a systematic, coherent and comprehensive body of knowledge in the field of educational sciences and in the specialised area of his/her expertise as defined by the dissertation, including knowledge and understanding of the relationships to other parts of the field and to related disciplines. The graduate has a deep understanding of the theories, sophisticated methods and practices of educational methodology, research and development at a level appropriate to international criteria as a basis for innovation and originality in educational practice or research.

Skills: The graduate can actively acquire new knowledge and information in the field of educational sciences, critically analyse and review them, formulate and verify new hypotheses, judgements and strategies in the field of his/her own expertise, apply the findings of his/her own work resulting from theoretical analysis and his/her own scientific research of a complex pedagogical and interdisciplinary nature. The graduate can design, validate and implement new research and working practices in the field of educational sciences and educational professions. He/she can identify global scientific and innovative developments in pedagogy and related fields and use them in the direction and development of the discipline, integrating knowledge from different fields.

Competences: The graduate is characterized by critical, independent and analytical thinking about the phenomena of educational reality and the relationships between them in changing social conditions, taking into account the scientific and ethical aspects of educational sciences. He/she is able to design, implement, evaluate and interpret his/her own research within the educational sciences, present the results of research and development to the professional and lay community. The graduate is characterised by responsibility and leadership of the field of education or educational theory, he/she is able to plan and implement his/her own development and the development of society in the context of scientific and technological progress.

b) - The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

The graduate can work in the field of science and basic and applied research (independent and team scientific work) and in the field of education (especially university teacher) and education of domestic and international character, in the field of state and public administration. According to the Sectoral Council for Education, Training and Sport (, the graduate of the study programme will be employed as a university assistant professor/assistant professor (profession: university teacher, regulation Act No 131/2002 Coll. on higher education and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended), who carries out educational (pedagogical), scientific research, publishing and educational activities at a higher education institution. The graduate participates as author or co-author in the active outputs of these activities. He/she conducts lectures from selected chapters, seminars and exercises, evaluates students, conducts and opposes final theses in the first two stages of higher education, creates study materials. He/she conducts consultations for students, arranges excursions and professional practice for students. The graduate participates in the research, development or artistic activities of the department and in the publication of results in journals and at scientific, professional or artistic events. An assistant professor with a third-level university degree takes the state examinations in bachelor's degree programmes.

The graduate will be employed as a research and development worker/manager (scientific researcher) who creatively applies scientific knowledge and research methods in the research and development of new procedures and methods in the field of education, participates in the provision of specific processes or new projects of varying difficulty and complexity in the field of educational sciences.

c) - Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favorable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

Not applicable to this programe, it is not a regulated profession.

3. - Employability
a) - Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.

Graduates apply in practice as university teachers, assistant professors and/or scientific researchers in institutions carrying out pedagogical, andragogical or psychological research and development. Due to the low number of graduates (1-2 graduates in an academic year), it is not possible to statistically assess the degree of applicability through the portal.

b) - If applicable, indicate the successful graduates of the study programme.

Successful graduates of the study programme are:

  • prof. PaedDr. Jana Duchovičová, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre, currently the person responsible for the study programme
  • prof. PaedDr. Ctibor Határ, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • doc. PaedDr. Lívia Fenyvesiová, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • doc. PaedDr. Katarína Hollá, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • doc. PaedDr. Juraj Komora, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • doc. PaedDr. Monika Máčajová, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • doc. PaedDr. Eleonóra Mendelová, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • doc. PaedDr. Marianna Müller de Morais, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • doc. PaedDr. Gábor Pintes, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • doc. PaedDr. Erik Žovinec, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • doc. PhDr. Petra Jedličková, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • doc. PaedDr. Jana Hanuliaková, PhD., Katedra školskej didaktiky, Vysoká škola DTI, Dubnica nad Váhom
  • PaedDr. Róbert Tomšík, PhD., Výskumný ústav detskej psychológie a patopsychológie, Bratislava
  • PaedDr. Dominika Hošová, PhD., Štátny pedagogický ústav, Bratislava
  • Mgr. Margita Feranská, PhD., Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita v Trnave
  • PaedDr. Tímea Šeben Zaťková, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave
  • Mgr. Alžbeta Lobotková, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave
  • PaedDr. Naďa Bizová, PhD., Katedra pedagogických štúdií, Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita v Trnave
  • PaedDr. Lujza Koldeová, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky a sociálnej pedagogiky, Pedagogická fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
  • PaedDr. Eva Pupíková, PhD., KP Metodicko-pedagogické centrum Nitra
  • PhDr. Denisa Gunišová, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • PhDr. Anna Klimentová, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • PaedDr. Zuzana Babulicová, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • PaedDr. Soňa Grofčíková, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • PaedDr. Nina Kozárová, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • PaedDr. Alexandra Pavličková, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • PaedDr. Vladimíra Poláčková, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • PaedDr. Jana Trníková, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • PaedDr. Tomáš Turzák, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre
  • PhDr. Hana Zelená, PhD., Katedra pedagogiky PF UKF v Nitre

c) - Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback).

The broadest employer base of graduates of the study programme consists of universities. Evidence of the quality of the study programme is the high number of graduates who have been employed as assistant professors in departments with an orientation towards pedagogical research, as well as the high number of graduates working in higher career positions, for example, they have been awarded the scientific-pedagogical rank of associate professor and some of them have also been awarded the title of professor. Employers are listed under 3b, for successful graduates. Evidence is also provided by their registration in the databases of the employers concerned and on their websites, as well as by their registration in the university staff register

4. - Structure and content of the study programme
a) - The institution describes the rules for the design of study plans within the study programme.

The creation, modification and approval of study programmes at the University of Constantine the Philosopher are stipulated by the internal regulations Methodology of Creation of Study Programmes at the UKF and the Guideline Assessment of Study Programmes and Assessment of Eligibility of Habilitation Procedures and Inauguration Procedures at the UKF. The procedure and competences of the UKF Quality Council bodies in their approval are regulated by the Statute of the UKF Quality Council (Statute of the UKF Quality Council, Directive 27/2021: Assessment of Study Programmes and Assessment of Eligibility of Habilitation and Induction Procedures at the UKF, Directive 31/2021: Methodology for the Development of Study Programmes at the University of Applied Sciences, and Directive 31/2021: Methodology for the Development of Study Programmes at the UKF).

The department based the curriculum in the Pedagogy study programme on the description of the supporting topics of the core of knowledge of the study field 38. Teaching and pedagogical sciences, respectively from the description of the areas and scope of knowledge, skills and competences that profile the graduate of the study programme of the third degree in accordance with the relevant level of the national qualification framework (Decree No. 244/2019 Coll. on the system of study disciplines of the Slovak Republic), from the Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education as amended, from Decree No. 614/2002 Coll. on the credit system of studies, from Act No. 269/2018 Coll. on quality assurance of higher education as amended, from the Standards for the study programme (2020) and from the internal regulations of the university and the faculty). 

Persons involved in the modification and harmonization of the study programme proceeded, in addition to the university internal regulations, according to the currently valid procedures for modification of study programmes defined in the internal regulation of the Faculty of Education Quality Management System at the Faculty of Education of the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra.

The internal regulation defines the quality system of education of the PF UKF based on ESG and the procedures and processes of the quality assurance system at the PF UKF.

Art. 4a defines the rules for the modification of study programmes. It defines the objectives of the process, the inputs to the process, the description of the process, the aspects of the process to be monitored, the methods and tools for managing the process, the responsibility for managing the outputs of the process, as well as the benefits, the processes supporting the process, and the documents and records.

The objectives of the process are defined as follows:

Modification of the study programme:

-      includes the addition or deletion of compulsory or compulsory-elective courses, change of conditions for the proper completion of studies, modification of the IL course

-      involves the implementation of the latest scientific knowledge in the relevant field of study,

-      reflects the latest labour market requirements and sector-specific expectations for the profession

The inputs to the process are as follows:

-      Act No. 269/2018 Coll. on quality assurance in higher education

-      Accredited study programme

-      Standards for the SAAVŠ study programme 

-       Methodology for the evaluation of SAAVŠ standards

-       Directive 1/2021 PF UKF

-       Student involvement in the adaptation of the study programme

-       Involvement of external parties in the adaptation of the study programme

-       Results of students' evaluation of education and teachers

-       Evaluations and experiences of teachers involved in delivering the programme 

-       Analysis of labour market requirements at regional, national and European level

-       Current functional job classification

-       Statistics on graduate employment in the labour market

The process description defines the following rules:

1. SWOT analysis of the department (or faculty) focused on the evaluation of the level of results of creative activity and the fulfilment of the Standards for the study programme in individual indicators since the last evaluation period (standard length of study),

2.Developing workplace characteristics: the following attributes are assessed:

a.    the level of research or artistic activity,

b.    material, technical and information security,

c.    staffing.

3. Definition of the graduate profile of the study programme.

Adjustment (if necessary given inputs and sector-specific expectations):

-      factual, conceptual, procedural, cognitive knowledge and knowledge intellectual and practical skills, competencies,

-      profile topics of the study programme and the specification for each year of study in relation to the profile

-      related content and related disciplines

-      the requirements for applicants, the method for selecting applicants

-      requirements for graduation from the programme (requirements for the final thesis, requirements for the content of the state examination)

The following is monitored::

-  Clear definition of learning outcomes and their reflection with occupational standards, qualification frameworks and sector-specific expectations in relation to the indicated occupations,

-  transfer of the graduate profile in the defined content of the study programme

-  reflection of the requirements for graduation with the graduate profile

-  reflection of the requirements for the candidate with the graduate profile and the difficulty of the content

-  determination of the difficulty of the state/dissertation examination and its credit definition

4. Concretization of the defined content into the development of the curriculum

- addition or deletion of compulsory or compulsory elective subjects,

- updating the content of individual courses

- determination of the proportion of full-time and distance/e-learning methods of study and self-study

The following is monitored:

-  staffing of individual subjects.

-  the student's workload and time commitment during each year of study (reflecting the breadth and complexity of the defined learning outcomes).

-  credit balance over semesters and years (according to the form of study).

-  the ratio of full-time study and self-study.

-  reflection on the learning content of the previous level of education.

-  credit endowment and course difficulty.

-  Reflection of the graduate profile in the stated objective of the course.

-  reflection of the objective in the defined content and performance standard of the course.

-  the appropriateness and validity of assessment methods and methods (reflection on ECTS credit assessment).

-  the suitability and innovativeness of methods and forms of education.

-  sufficient resources for study and their availability.

-  Reflection of current scientific knowledge in recommended and available resources.

Simultaneous creation and updating of information sheets of study subjects

The following is monitored:

-  credit endowment and course difficulty

-  reflection of the graduate profile in the learning outcomes of profile subjects

-  reflection on learning outcomes in the defined subject content

-  the appropriateness and validity of assessment methods and methods (reflection on ECTS credit assessment)

-  the suitability and innovativeness of methods and forms of education

-  reflection of current scientific knowledge in recommended and available resources

-  sufficient resources for study and their availability

5. Updating the scientific/artistic and pedagogical characteristics of the persons responsible for the implementation, development and quality of the study programme and the creation of a characteristic of the outcomes of the creative activity of the evaluated person

The following is monitored: the qualification level of the person providing the profile subject and scientific performance in qualitative and quantitative indicators

6. Assessment of thestudy programme proposal by an external assessor (according to the specifics of the programme)

7. Preparation of the Internal Evaluation Report of the study programme 

b) - The institution compiles the recommended study plans for individual study paths.

The recommended study plan of the study programme Pedagogy in both full-time and part-time form is compiled and published in the register of study programmes in AIS. It has been created in accordance with Article 12 of the internal regulation Study Regulations for Doctoral Studies of the Faculty of Arts in Nitra

c) - The study plan generally states:

All requirements are listed in the recommended study plan of the study programme and in the course information sheets in the study programme register in AIS.

The structure of compulsory and elective courses is designed in such a way that the description of the field of study Teaching and Educational Sciences for the 3rd level of higher education is fully fulfilled. The structure of the study programme includes subjects of the study part and the scientific part, additional duties and subjects of the state/dissertation examination in the ratio 65:72:5:38.

d) - The institution states the number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies and other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study.
Compulsory courses: 50 credits Compulsory elective courses: 15 credits (From a wide range of compulsory elective courses, the student chooses the course according to the focus of his/her dissertation. The offer is supplemented by courses for the extension of knowledge and skills in the field of quantitative and qualitative research and statistics and courses for professional and pedagogical practice or internship.) Scientific part: Compulsory elective courses: 72 credits (min. 20 credits must be obtained for the output of creative activity, the quality of which corresponds to an internationally recognised level). Other activities: 5 credits (other required activities that are a prerequisite for graduation are a study abroad placement or internship abroad. State examination: 38 credits Compulsory courses: 36 credits (consisting of the PhD Thesis and Its Defence: 30 credits and the courses Methodology of Educational Research, Theories and Concepts of Education: 6 credits in total) Compulsory elective subjects: 2 credits (the student chooses one compulsory elective subject of the state examination according to the focus of his/her dissertation). The condition for graduation is the acquisition of 180 credits in the prescribed structure of the study programme. The conditions of study, advancement to the next year of study, completion of courses until the dissertation examination, conditions for the dissertation examination and other requirements of doctoral studies are defined in Articles 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 of the internal regulations of the Study Regulations of Doctoral Studies of the Faculty of Education of the UKF in Nitra (
e) - For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:

AAll requirements are listed in the recommended study plan of the study programme and in the course information sheets in the study programme register in AIS.  

  • number of credits for compulsory courses required for proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies,
  • Number of credits for compulsory courses: 86
  • number of credits for compulsory optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies,
  • Number of credits for compulsory elective courses: 89
  • number of credits for optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies,
  • number of credits for other activities: 5
  • number of credits required for the completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for the common foundations and for the relevant specialization, in the case of a teaching combination study programme or a translation combination study programme,
  • number of credits for the final thesis and the defense of the final thesis required for the proper completion of studies,
  • number of credits for the PhD Thesis and Its Defence: 30
  • number of credits for professional practice required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies,
  • number of credits for professional practice/internship: 5

f) - The institution describes the rules for verification of learning outcomes, students assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment.

The internal quality assurance system of higher education of the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra in Article 5 Learning, teaching and student-centred assessment , defines all policies, structures and processes applied in the verification of learning outcomes, student assessment and regulates the possibilities of corrective procedures against this assessment. The exact procedures for the verification of learning outcomes at the doctoral level at the Fakulty of Education of the UKF (PF UKF) are defined in the internal regulation of the Study Regulations for Doctoral Studies of the PF UKF in Nitra ( The framework rules for the assessment of students at the UKF, including doctoral students, are regulated by the internal quality system, namely the internal regulations:

Študijný poriadok UKF

13/2020 Smernica o záverečných, rigoróznych a habilitačných prácach

Vnútorný systém zabezpečovania kvality vysokoškolského vzdelávania UKF v Nitre 2021

g) - Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies.

The internal quality assurance system of higher education of the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra in Article 5 Learning, teaching and student-centred assessment defines all policies, structures and processes applied in the recognition of studies.

Recognition of higher education qualifications is carried out at the UKF in accordance with Act No. 422/2015 Coll. on the recognition of educational qualifications and on the recognition of professional qualifications and on the amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended. The processes of recognition of qualifications at the UKF are regulated by the Directive on the Recognition of Documents of Higher Education from Abroad. The Directive applies to the recognition of higher education qualifications issued by a recognised foreign educational institution under the legislation of a Member State of the European Union, a State that is a contracting party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation and a non-member State. UKF only recognises evidence of higher education in a relevant field of study for the purpose of continuing studies if it conducts study programmes in the same fields of study or in related fields of study as those indicated on the evidence of higher education. UKF does not recognise evidence of the degree attained or evidence of education based on international treaties. The documents of education in the relevant field of study which are recognised by UKF for the purpose of continuing studies are a university diploma, a certificate of state examinations, a supplement to the diploma, or a statement of courses taken and examinations passed issued by a recognised higher education institution in another Member State or in a third country.

27/2020 Smernica o uznávaní dokladov o vysokoškolskom vzdelaní zo zahraničia

Študijný poriadok UKF

Vnútorný systém zabezpečovania kvality vysokoškolského vzdelávania UKF v Nitre 2021

h) - The institution states the topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list).

·        Teacher´s Interaction Style and Its Impact on School Achievement Motivation (full time)

·        Teacher´s Interaction Style and Its Impact on Pupils´ Emotionality (full time)

·        Primary Prevention of At-Risk Behaviour at Schools (full time)

·        Media Education as the Prevention against Cyberaggression (full time)

·        Family Environment as a Predictor of Online Risk Behaviour (full time)

·        Sexting in Students at Secondary Schools - Causes, Consequence and Possibilities of Pedagogical Intervention (full time)

·        Strategies for Developing Students' Critical Thinking (full time)

·        Teacher´s Personal Conception of Teaching and Classroom Interaction (full time)

·        Implementation of Innovation in Education and Leadership (full time)

·        Development of Critical Thinking of Pupils in the Teaching Process

·        Reflected Pedagogical Practice as a Tool of Developing Psychodidactic Competence of a Student Teacher (full time)

·        Psycho-didactic Concept of Curricular and Mediated Context of Education (full time)

·        Potential of Leisure-time Artistic Activities in Developing Pupils´ Socio-personal Skills (full time)

·        Personality and its Development Through Leisure-time Artistic Activities (full time)

·        The Assessment of Developmental Dyscalculia in Educational and Counseling Context (full time)

·        Current Trends in Education and Counseling of Dyscalculia Students (full time)

·        The Inclusive Schools Environment and Evaluation of Current Schools (full time)

·        Child with Developmental Dyspraxia in Educational and Counseling System (full time)

·        The Pedagogical Dimension of the Programme Philosophy for Children (full time)

i) - The institution describes or refers to:

-     rules for the assignment, processing, opposition, defense and evaluation of final theses in the study programme,

The rules for assigning, processing, opposing, defending and evaluating final theses in the study programme are defined in Articles 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19 of the Internal Regulation of the Study Regulations for Doctoral Studies of the Faculty of Education of the UKF in Nitra ( and in the Directive on Final, Rigorous and Habilitation Theses.

According to Article 5 of the Internal Quality Assurance System for Higher Education of the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, the topics of dissertations, including the opponents and members of the dissertation defence committee, are approved by the departmental committees. In the admission procedure, the topics of supervisors who declare the financial coverage of the experimental - research parts of the study with real projects are usually accepted. The faculties apply a system of annual evaluations of doctoral students, where the results in the educational, but especially the scientific part are monitored and evaluated. The results of the scientific work under the supervision of the supervisor are presented by the defended final theses, especially of the doctoral and master's degree.


-        opportunities and procedures for participation in student mobility,

The possibilities and procedures for participation in student mobility are regulated by the internal regulation Directive on the implementation of mobility within the Erasmus+ programme, other scholarship programmes and bilateral agreements. UKF supports and facilitates student mobility in currently available mobility programmes, implemented within the following grant schemes or calls of institutions: Erasmus+ (KA103, KA107); Projekt EURAXESS; SAIA, n. o.; Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst; International Visegrad Fund; Štipendiá Erasmus Mundus. The departmental and faculty coordinator is responsible for the drafting of the Erasmus agreement, the selection of students and staff for mobility and the recognition of the results of their mobility.


-        rules for adherence to academic ethics and rules for drawing consequences,

According to Article 3 (point 2.6.e) of the Internal Quality Assurance System of Higher Education of the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, the requirement of maintaining scientific integrity and observance of academic ethics is ensured by the Statute of the UKF, the Code of Ethics of the UKF, and the Study Regulations of the UKF. All final theses within the meaning of the Directive on final, rigorous and habilitation theses are subject to originality control through the National Register of Final Theses. The Ethics Committee of the UKF deals with the assessment of complaints concerning violations of the Code of Ethics of the UKF in accordance with its Statute. Consequences in the event of unethical behaviour are defined by the UKF Code of Ethics, the UKF Disciplinary Regulations for Students and the UKF Working Regulations.

Štatút UKF

Etický kódex UKF

Štatút Etickej komisie UKF

13/2020 Smernica o záverečných, rigoróznych a habilitačných prácach

Študijný poriadok UKF

Pracovný poriadok UKF

Disciplinárny poriadok UKF pre študentov


-        procedures applicable to students with special needs,

According to No. 1 of the Code of Ethics of the UKF, every member of the academic community rejects discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic origin, nationality, ideology, religion, worldview, age, gender, sexual orientation, specific educational need, social origin or financial circumstances; treats everyone with respect, regardless of socio-cultural differences, and promotes a positive approach to persons with specific needs and the improvement of the conditions for their functioning in the academic community.

Respect for the needs of students with specific needs is ensured by the Internal Regulation on the Provision of a Generally Accessible Academic Environment for Students with Specific Needs. UKF creates a generally accessible academic environment and appropriate study conditions for students with specific needs, without reducing the requirements for their academic performance. To this end, it shall take steps to increase the accessibility of studies for students with specific needs, to remove barriers created by the physical, academic and cultural environment, to prevent the creation of new barriers and to compensate for the effects of existing barriers in the academic environment by making reasonable adjustments and providing support services to students with specific needs. Comprehensive information and counselling services for students with specific needs are provided by the Study Support Centre for Students with Specific Needs.

To support students and compensate for their study needs, UKF provides social, pregnancy, and motivational scholarships according to the UKF Scholarship Regulations.

According to Article 5 (point 2.10.2) of the Internal Quality Assurance System for Higher Education of the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, services for students, applicants and other persons with disabilities are provided by the Student Centre of the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra and the Study Support Centre for Students with Specific Needs. The Centres provide comprehensive information and counselling services for students with specific needs. They cover the selection of an appropriate study programme in relation to their disability, screening and registration of students. Academic support during studies is mainly focused on providing suggestions for reasonable adjustments and providing study support services and individual assessment of the extent of support for students with specific needs, as well as assisting in the provision of interpreter services for the deaf. Intervention and therapeutic services are aimed at addressing specific learning disabilities. Technical support focuses on the provision of appropriate technical equipment, the provision of study literature in accessible formats, assistance with the provision of interpreter services for the deaf, the provision of assistive technology according to the type of disability, etc. The Centre also makes information available to people with disabilities, respecting their specific needs. Support for these persons is also ensured at the University of Constantine the Philosopher by the Internal Regulations for the Provision of a Generally Accessible Academic Environment for Students with Specific Needs.

Poradenstvo a podpora pre študentov so špecifickými potrebami

Centrum podpory štúdia študentov so špecifickými potrebami

Štatút UKF

Etický kódex UKF

28/2015 Vnútorný predpis k zabezpečeniu všeobecne prístupného akademického prostredia pre študentov so špecifickými potrebami

Štipendijný poriadok UKF


-        procedures for filing complaints and appeals by students

In accordance with Article 5 of the Methodology for the Creation of Study Programmes at UKF, each study subject has clearly defined forms and methods of assessment of learning outcomes with defined criteria, rules and conditions for completing the course in the course information sheet, thus ensuring fair application of assessment criteria for all students. Article 2 of the UKF Code of Ethics defines the principles of pedagogical activity according to which a university teacher and researcher shall treat students fairly, justly, collegially and openly, shall not commit personal humiliation, immoral behaviour or coercion, shall act fairly and transparently in the evaluation of learning outcomes, shall not abuse teaching or other authority and shall not require students to perform activities that are the subject of his/her own duties.

The University is assured that the criterion is met through student assessment. According to the Guidelines on the University's Policy on Student Evaluation of Education and Teachers, students comment on the teacher's evaluation of students through a questionnaire survey.

Smernica č. 31/2021: Metodika tvorby študijných programov na UKF

Etický kódex UKF

8/2018 Smernica: Zásady hodnotenia vzdelávania a učiteľov študentmi univerzity

Smernica č. 7/2016: Vykonávanie vnútornej kontroly na UKF


5. - Course information sheets of the study programme
In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.

Course information sheets are created at the UKF,in accordance with the internal regulation Smernica č. 31/2021: Metodika tvorby študijných programov na UKF. All course information sheets are published in the study programme register in the AIS. 

6. - Current academic year plan and current schedule
(or hyperlink).

Schedule for the current academic year:

The timetable for the respective academic year and semester is created and published in the AIS.

7. - Persons responsible for the study programme
a) - A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details).

prof. PaedDr. Jana Duchovičová, PhD., profesor,, +421 37 6408 259, 006,

The person has the relevant competences, has the main responsibility for the implementation, development and quality assurance of the study programme, and is also responsible for the profile subject. The person holds the position of Professor in the Department of Education, in the field of study 38. Teaching and Educational Sciences on an established weekly working time and exhibits creative activity at a significant internationally recognized level. This person does not bear the main responsibility for the implementation, development and quality assurance of the study programme at any other higher education institution in the Slovak Republic or abroad. She also has principal responsibility for the implementation, development and quality assurance of two degree programmes and four programmes of study in parallel with these degree programmes:

1. Special pedagogy, education and education management (bc., full-time study)

- 1a Special pedagogy, education and education management (bc., external form of study)

- 1b Teaching of Pedagogy in Combination (bc., full-time study form)


2. Special pedagogy, social pedagogy and education management (master, full-time study)

- 2a Special pedagogy, social pedagogy and education management (master, external form of study)

- 2b Teaching of Pedagogy in Combination (master, full-time study form)

b) - List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (they may also be listed in the study plan).

prof. PaedDr. Jana Duchovičová, PhD., professor,, +421 37 6408 259, 006,

prof. PaedDr. Ctibor Határ, PhD., professor,, +421 37 6408 239,

prof. PhDr. Viera Kurincová, CSc., professor,, +421 37 6408 256,

prof. PhDr. Gabriela Petrová, CSc., professor,, +421 37 6408 251,

prof. PaedDr. Mária Pisoňová, PhD., professor,, +421 37 6408 253,

doc. PaedDr. Lívia Fenyvesiová, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 260, 227,

doc. PaedDr. Katarína Hollá, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 257,

doc. PhDr. Petra Jedličková, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 236,

doc. PaedDr. Dana Kollárová, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 227,

doc. PaedDr. Juraj Komora, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 258,

doc. PaedDr. Monika Máčajová, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 237,

doc. PaedDr. Tatiana Marcineková, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 258,

doc. PaedDr. Eleonóra Mendelová, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 237,

doc. PaedDr. Marianna Müller de Morais, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 236,

doc. PaedDr. Gábor Pintes, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 219, 239,

doc. PaedDr. Erik Žovinec, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 255,

PhDr. Dominika Temiaková, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 238,

doc. Mgr. Eva Reid, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 314,

doc. PhDr. Božena Horváthová, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 231,

prof. RNDr. Anna Tirpáková, CSc., professor,, +421 37 6408 699,


Assignment to the course is indicated in the study plan and in the course information sheet in AIS.

c) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme.

The Research/Artistic Pedagogical Characteristics of the persons whose outputs of creative activity are assessed are available in the register of study programmes in the AIS. The Research/artistic Pedagogical Characteristics of all persons in the study programme are created and registered in the AIS.

d) - List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).

prof. PaedDr. Jana Duchovičová, PhD., professor,, +421 37 6408 259, 006,

prof. PaedDr. Ctibor Határ, PhD., professor,, +421 37 6408 239,

prof. PhDr. Viera Kurincová, CSc., professor,, +421 37 6408 256,

prof. PhDr. Gabriela Petrová, CSc., professor,, +421 37 6408 251,

prof. PaedDr. Mária Pisoňová, PhD., professor,, +421 37 6408 253,

doc. PaedDr. Lívia Fenyvesiová, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 260, 227,

doc. PaedDr. Katarína Hollá, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 257,

doc. PhDr. Petra Jedličková, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 236,

doc. PaedDr. Dana Kollárová, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 227,

doc. PaedDr. Juraj Komora, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 258,

doc. PaedDr. Monika Máčajová, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 237,

doc. PaedDr. Tatiana Marcineková, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 258,

doc. PaedDr. Eleonóra Mendelová, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 237,

doc. PaedDr. Marianna Müller de Morais, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 236,

doc. PaedDr. Gábor Pintes, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 219, 239,

doc. PaedDr. Erik Žovinec, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 255,

PhDr. Dominika Temiaková, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 238,

doc. Mgr. Eva Reid, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 314,

doc. PhDr. Božena Horváthová, PhD., associate professor,, +421 37 6408 231,

prof. RNDr. Anna Tirpáková, CSc., professor,, +421 37 6408 699,

PhDr. Eva Ballová Mikušková, PhD., assistant professor,,

e) - List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details).

The thesis topics were approved by the thesis committee in accordance with the Doctoral Study Regulations.

prof. PaedDr. Jana Duchovičová, PhD. (

Implementation of Innovation in Education and Leadership (full-time)

Development of Critical Thinking of Pupils in the Teaching Process (full-time)

Reflected Pedagogical Practice as a Tool of Developing Psychodidactic Competence of a Student Teacher (full-time)

Psycho-didactic Concept of Curricular and Mediated Context of Education (full-time)

doc. PaedDr. Lívia Fenyvesiová, PhD. (

Strategies for Developing Students' Critical Thinking (full-time)

Teacher´s Personal Conception of Teaching and Classroom Interaction (full-time)

doc. PaedDr. Katarína Hollá, PhD. (

Primary Prevention of At-Risk Behaviour at Schools (full-time)

Media Education as the Prevention against Cyberaggression (full-time)

Family Environment as a Predictor of Online Risk Behaviour (full-time)

Sexting in Students at Secondary Schools - Causes, Consequence and Possibilities of Pedagogical Intervention (full-time)

doc. PaedDr. Erik Žovinec, PhD. (

The Assessment of Developmental Dyscalculia in Educational and Counseling Context (full-time)

Current Trends in Education and Counseling of Dyscalculia Students (full-time)

The Inclusive Schools Environment and Evaluation of Current Schools (full-time)

Child with Developmental Dyspraxia in Educational and Counseling System (full-time)

doc. PaedDr. Juraj Komora, PhD. (

Teacher´s Interaction Style and Its Impact on School Achievement Motivation (full-time)

Teacher´s Interaction Style and Its Impact on Pupils´ Emotionality (full-time)

doc. PaedDr. Dana Kollárová, PhD. (

Potential of Leisure-time Artistic Activities in Developing Pupils´ Socio-personal Skills (full-time)

Personality and its Development Through Leisure-time Artistic Activities (full-time)

doc. PaedDr. Gábor Pintes, PhD. (

The Pedagogical Dimension of the Programme Philosophy for Children (full-time)

f) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses.

link to the data repository in AIS

g) - Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme (name and contact details).

Mgr. Radka Teleková,;

Mgr. Michal Koricina,;

Mgr. Kristína Bielčiková,

h) - Study advisor of the study programme (indicating contact details and information on the access to counseling and on the schedule of consultations).

doc. PaedDr. Lívia Fenyvesiová, PhD.,, +421 37 6408 260, +421 37 6408 227, consultations take place continuously, according to the needs of students, by email or in person. For information on accessing counselling:

i) - Other supporting staff of the study programme – assigned study officer, career counselor, administration, accommodation department, etc. (with contact details).

Counselling for students

Persons of the Study Department:

Mgr. Zita Hamarová +421 37 6408 215,

AIS+ helpdesk administrator

Ing. Rudolf Kaniansky +421 37 6408 296,

IT support

Mgr. Branislav Ziman, +421 37 6408 288,

Department of Pedagogical Practice

PaedDr. Katarína Szíjjártóová, PhD., +421 37 6408 267,

Psychological counselling room

Support centre for students with specific needs

PaedDr. Vladimíra Poláčková, PhD., +421 37 6408 246,,

Student Centre - Centre Manager Mgr. Miroslav Tvrdík, PhD. – tel. +421 37 6408 140, email:

Services to students


Student homes - director Mgr. Peter Hrobár, Secretariat: tel/fax: +421 37 6408 168; email:


University canteen - UKF catering system - ordering internet portal - - University Canteen has food dispensaries and cafeterias in five buildings of the university


Ing. Dana Buchová, +421 37 6408 161,


Centre of Information and Communication Technologies of the UKF


University Library

University Pastoral Centre

8. - Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a) - List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centers, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

Sufficient spatial, material, technical and informational resources of the study programme are provided for the study programme, which guarantee the achievement of the set objectives and learning outcomes.

Teaching will be provided in modern premises, technically and technologically fully equipped and compliant with hygiene standards. In all areas of the university, students have access to wifi in the eduroam network. In addition, on the basis of an agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and Microsoft, each of our students and employees has access to Microsoft Office 365 Education

The process of education will be further provided in the premises of the faculty:

-        seminar room 306: 46,52 m2, 24 seats;

-        seminar room 307: 48,60 m2, 48 seats;

-        seminar room 308: 46,50 m2, 24 seats;

-        seminar room 319: 45,30 m2, 24 seats;

-        seminar room 321: 47,40 m2, 24 seats;

-        seminar room 322: 46.30 m2, 20 seats;

-        vocational classroom 409: 46.73 m2, 20 seats;

-        Vocational classroom Computer room 418, 20 seats;

-        Vocational classroom Computer room 420, 20 seats;

All rooms are equipped as follows: (sound equipment - 1 independent sound system, 1 data projector, 1x electric screen, computer for the teacher, audiovisual recording equipment, wifirouter, overhead projector, blackout room, 2x set of boards - green, 1x set of boards - ceramic, notation ceramic board (in room 307, 418 additionally interactive whiteboard). Computer rooms equipped with computer sets for each student according to the number of seats.

There is also a specially adapted classroom 409: 46.73 m2, in which interactive seminars and trainings take place.

Part of the Department of Education is the Centre for Supporting Students with Specific Needs (419), which provides undergraduate students with specific needs access to education with appropriate technologies.

For the reflection of pedagogical practices, a multifunctional room was created in 2020, the Centre of Practice, which, in addition to the standard equipment of the teaching room, has technology that allows to analyze and create video sequences of the teaching process. In the short term, it is planned to equip the centre with multimedia technologies supporting education and the application of educational software for the needs of the development of didactic skills of the University's students.

The faculty has a multimedia workstation to develop and use the inter-university Internet communication system. There is instrumentation, information and computer equipment in the following structure: interactive whiteboards, special cameras, web cameras, audio system mix console, amplifier, speakers, microphones, digital camera, data projectors, PC (personal computer for videoconferencing purposes).

The classrooms and lecture rooms fully meet the standards for spatial, material and technical provision of the study programme.

b) - Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).

Students and teachers use the university e-mail for communication. The university library provides students with access to the NISPEZ 4 subscription databases, where students can search for erudite papers in the individual databases needed for their scientific research activities. This access is only possible from within the academic environment.

Access to information resources: students have access both within the University Library and within the sub-library of the Department of Education, where there are currently about 837 book titles of domestic and foreign provenance. Within the sub-library of the Department of Education, there is also a library with titles of a special-pedagogical and special-angraphological nature. In addition to book publications, the sub-library contains periodicals of domestic and Czech provenance, in the field of pedagogy, education, pre-school education, andragogy, etc. The sub-library contains proceedings of conferences held at the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education of the UKF in Nitra, as well as methodological materials and textbooks used in the first year of primary school and the first stage of primary school. The number of outgoing journals is 19 titles with 522 issues.

Information resources of book character from the Department of Education PF UKF sub-library are available to students through the lecturers - Dr. H. Zelenú, PhD. - (037/6408246) and doc. PhDr. P. Jedličková, PhD. - (037/6408236), who are in charge of managing the departmental book collections.

The current number of library units in the University Library of the UKF in Nitra is 330 286 library units. The current number of library titles of the entire fund of the UKF University Library in Nitra with the subject of pedagogy (MDT 37) is 18 925, of which there are 928 titles of textbooks, 320 titles of audiovisual documents and 87 titles of bound journals, of which 43 are foreign (qualifying and final theses are 16716). The current number of library titles of the entire fund of the UKF in Nitra with the topic of preschool and elementary pedagogy (MDT 372.3 or MDT 373.2) is 494, of which 3 titles are textbooks, 3 titles are audiovisual documents and 4 titles are bound journals, of which 2 are foreign (867 qualifying and final theses). The current number of library titles of the entire fund of the UKF in Nitra with the theme of andragogy (MDT 37.013 or MDT 374) is 513, of which 21 are textbooks, 12 audiovisual documents and 5 bound journals, of which 2 are foreign (653 are qualifying and final theses).

c) - Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.

The study programme does not envisage distance learning unless unforeseen circumstances arise that require a transition from full-time to distance learning. The pandemic in 2020 and 2021 tested the readiness of the University, the lecturers, and the material and technical equipment of the UKF to smoothly transition to distance learning, including state examinations (dissertation examinations and dissertation defences). Various communication channels are used for this purpose, such as the university videoconferencing system meet, Microsoft Teams, the UKF e-learning portal, google clasroom, Google Meet, Zoom or other platforms.

The UKF e-learning portal is automatically accessible to all UKF students and lecturers, provides support for all courses and sharing of study materials for students, easy submission of assignments and tasks, clear communication in forums and sophisticated online testing of knowledge. The UKF e-learning portal is prepared as a full-fledged replacement of the full-time form of study. It provides the latest version of LMS Moodle. Each teacher can create their own courses, add study materials, collect student assignments, test students online and communicate with them. Students access the system with the same login credentials as AIS. The educator, through the faculty administrator, sets up a course for the subject he or she teaches.

The e-learning portal of the UKF provides:

for students: access to study materials, watching videos of lectures, engaging in online feedback, notification of upcoming deadlines, tracking study progress, communicating via messaging, sending emails, submitting assignments via PC, mobile and tablet, discussing projects, lectures, testing acquired knowledge.

For teachers: space for publishing study materials to students, easy way to share interesting links in the form of links, videos, texts, tracking student activity, interactive use of activities directly in the lecture using Moodle mobile apps, defining deadlines for submission, grading directly in the course (according to:

d) - Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

The Department of Pedagogy cooperates with partner faculties and universities from Slovakia and abroad in the field of educational and research activities of the study programme. The subject of cooperation is mainly the opposition of dissertation thesis, written drafts for dissertation exams, participation in state examination or in scientific research events. The partners of the providing department are: Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava; Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok; Faculty of Education, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica; Faculty of Education, University of Prešov in Prešov; Faculty of Arts, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava; Faculty of Education, Trnava University in Trnava; Dubnica Institute of Technology in Dubnica nad Váhom; Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Praha; Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.


e) - Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

Not only complete counselling activities, but also information about volunteer and social activities, cultural, social and sporting events is provided to interested students by the UKF Student Centre ( Cultural, sporting and social events include the Academic Ball of Nitra Universities, Nitra University Days, Academic Nitra, Oktoberfest and Student Days of Nitra Universities ( BKM JUNIOR UKF NITRA - youth basketball club ( is also active at the university. Various musical performances are regularly organised at PF UKF on various occasions. The University Pastoral Centre ( is used to meet the spiritual needs of students.

f) - Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.

Mobility is carried out on the basis of Erasmus+ bilateral agreements signed with partner higher education institutions abroad. The departmental and faculty coordinator of the respective faculty of the UKF is responsible for drafting the Erasmus agreement, selection of students and staff for mobility and recognition of the results of their mobility. In order to participate in the mobility, it is sufficient to choose the receiving foreign institution, to create an application form via the StudyAbroad application (applies only to KA103 mobilities), to submit all the required documents online via the StudyAbroad application, to print them, to hand them over to the departmental coordinator and to participate in the selection procedure at the department. The deadline for applying for Erasmus+ mobility is usually in spring (main deadline) for mobilities planned for the following academic year, but calls for additional applications are usually made during the year (available at: Students can also participate in mobility abroad through SAIA (, DAAD (, IVF ( and Erasmus Mundus ( 

9. - Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a) - Required abilities and necessary admission requirements.

The basic requirement for admission to study in the doctoral degree programme is completed higher education in the Master's degree programe. The condition for admission is completed education in the field of Teacher Training and Education Science or proving the connection of the applicant's previous professional interest with the field of education of children, youth and adults.

The entrance examination consists of the following components:

-        oral examination, which is aimed at verifying theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogical sciences,

-        presentation of a research framework project, which was developed on a topic of the dissertation thesis,

-        evaluation of the applicant's professional communication skills in Slovak and in a foreign language,

-   publication activities or other creative activities of the applicant (participation of the applicant in Student Scientific, Professional and Artistic Activity – ŠVOUČ; etc.).

The faculty defines the conditions of admission to study in such a way that applicants with the necessary skills and prerequisites are admitted to study.

b) - Admission procedures.

The admission procedure is carried out in accordance with the applicable legislation. Study opportunities and conditions for admission to study are published in accordance with applicable legislation on the website of the faculty and the university after prior approval by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Education, CPU in Nitra.

The applicant applies for the study by registering and saving the application and the required attachments in electronic form in the information system. The essentials of the admission procedure are defined by the Study Regulations of Doctoral Studies at FE CPU.

The entrance examination takes place in front of the admissions committee, which is also the examination committee. The admissions committee evaluates the result of the examination in a closed session. The commission will draw up meeting minutes of the admission procedure to determine the order of applicants according to their success in the admission procedure, to determine the recommended candidates to accept and submit its proposal to the dean of the faculty. Admission to study is made by the Dean based on the recommendation of the admissions committee.

c) - Results of the admission process over the last period.

Interim results are published via the Academic Information System. Applicants are informed of the result of the admission procedure by a decision of the Dean.

Admission procedure for the AY Registered Accepted

AY 2021/2022 1 (Registered) 0 (Accepted)

AY 2020/2021 5 (Registered) 3 (Accepted)

AY 2019/2020 0 (Registered) 0 (Accepted)

AY 2018/2019 1 (Registered) 1 (Accepted)

AY 2017/2018 1 (Registered) 1 (Accepted)

10. - Feedback on the quality of provided education
a) - Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality.

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra regularly monitors the evaluation of students' opinions on the quality of the study programme. Students can use their right to evaluate the study programme twice in the academic year, namely to evaluate education and teachers in the winter and in the summer semester. The evaluation is carried out through an anonymous questionnaire, which students have in the academic information system. Evaluation of education and teachers is regulated by Directive 8/2018 Principles of evaluation and education of teachers by university students. Students comment on the quality of the study programme, the subject, the education carried out, the evaluation of students by teachers, the professional and didactic competence of teachers, the quality and availability of study resources and educational support, and the material and technical provision of teaching.

In 2020, the faculty carried out a survey aimed at evaluating the quality of distance education, because education as well as state examinations took place in a distance form due to pandemic measures.

b) - Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

Individual management structures of the faculty workplaces are standardly acquainted with the results of the evaluation of the quality of education. Based on the evaluation of individual areas and identified shortcomings, measures are proposed and adopted at the level of individual departments, subsequently at the level of the faculty.

The adopted measures as well as the overall results of the evaluation of education are discussed by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Education CPU and they are part of the Annual Report of the faculty presented at the meeting of the academic community, scientific board and published on its website.



The key comments and identified shortcomings represent a source of measures to improve the quality of education at FE CPU. In addition to innovations in the content of study programmes, recommended literature, improving material and information security, one of the measures taken was, for example, the appointment of a faculty schedule coordinator, who manage the timetabling of individual study groups in 2018; participation in the ESF project Improving practical training of future teaching staff at CPU in Nitra aimed to increase the number of pedagogical practice for students in 2020 and others.

c) - Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

The university obtains information about the success of its graduates by using several forms. Through the alumni club, the organization of further education and rigorous procedures for graduates. Many graduates of the study programme work as professors, associate professors and assistant professors not only at PF UKF but also at several universities in Slovakia.

In 2020, the Faculty of Education, UKF, conducted an online questionnaire survey of faculty graduates aimed at determining satisfaction with the implementation of state exams, which took place remotely due to the pandemic.

The results obtained by the questionnaire survey were used in the online state exams in academic year 2020/2021.

11. - References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student
(e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.).

Štatút Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Štatút UKF

Dlhodobý zámer Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre na roky 2019 – 2025

Dlhodobý zámer UKF

Stratégia internacionalizácie Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre na roky 2019 – 2025

Stratégia internacionalizácie UKF

Štatút Rady pre vnútorné hodnotenie kvality vysokoškolského vzdelávania Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitra

Štatút Rady pre vnútorné hodnotenie kvality vysokoškolského vzdelávania UKF

Organizačný poriadok Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Organizačný poriadok UKF

Študijný poriadok Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Študijný poriadok UKF

Pracovný poriadok Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Pracovný poriadok UKF

Etický kódex Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Etický kódex UKF

Štatút etickej komisie Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Štatút Etickej komisie UKF

Zásady výberového konania na obsadzovanie pracovných miest vysokoškolských učiteľov a výskumných pracovníkov, funkcií profesorov a docentov a funkcií vedúcich zamestnancov Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Zásady výberového konania na obsadzovanie pracovných miest vysokoškolských učiteľov a výskumných pracovníkov, funkcií profesorov a docentov a funkcií vedúcich zamestnancov UKF

Kolektívna zmluva

Kolektívna zmluva

Rokovací poriadok Akademického senátu Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Rokovací poriadok Akademického senátu UKF

Zásady volieb do Akademického senátu Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Zásady volieb do Akademického senátu UKF

Rokovací poriadok Vedeckej rady Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Rokovací poriadok Vedeckej rady UKF

Disciplinárny poriadok Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre pre študentov

Disciplinárny poriadok UKF pre študentov

Rokovací poriadok disciplinárnej komisie Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre pre študentov

Rokovací poriadok disciplinárnej komisie UKF pre študentov

Štipendijný poriadok Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Štipendijný poriadok UKF

Smernica č. 31/2021 Metodika tvorby študijných programov na UKF

Smernica č. 31/2021: Metodika tvorby študijných programov na UKF

Smernica č. 27/2021 Posudzovanie študijných programov a posudzovanie spôsobilosti

habilitačných konaní a inauguračných konaní na UKF

27/2021 Smernica: Posudzovanie študijných programov a posudzovanie spôsobilosti habilitačných konaní a inauguračných konaní na UKF

12/2021 Smernica o realizácii mobilít v rámci programu Erasmus+, iných štipendijných programov a bilaterálnych dohôd

12/2021 Smernica o realizácii mobilít v rámci programu Erasmus+, iných štipendijných programov a bilaterálnych dohôd

54/2020 Vnútorný predpis o školnom a poplatkoch na akademický rok 2021/2022

54/2020 Vnútorný predpis o školnom a poplatkoch na akademický rok 2021/2022

27/2020 Smernica o uznávaní dokladov o vysokoškolskom vzdelaní

zo zahraničia

27/2020 Smernica o uznávaní dokladov o vysokoškolskom vzdelaní zo zahraničia

Smernica č. 22/2020 o poplatkoch za ubytovacie služby a služby spojené s ubytovaním v Študentských domovoch UKF v Nitre

22/2020 Smernica o poplatkoch za ubytovacie služby a služby spojené s ubytovaním v Študentských domovoch UKF

Smernica č. 13/2020 o záverečných, rigoróznych a habilitačných prácach

13/2020 Smernica o záverečných, rigoróznych a habilitačných prácach

4/2020 Smernica o vydávaní dokladov o absolvovaní štúdia, diplomov

absolventom rigoróznych skúšok a dekrétov o udelení

vedecko-pedagogického titulu docent a ich evidencii na UKF

4/2020 Smernica o vydávaní dokladov o absolvovaní štúdia, diplomov absolventom rigoróznych skúšok a dekrétov o udelení vedecko-pedagogického titulu docent a ich evidencii na UKF

27/2019 Smernica o zásadách odmeňovania zamestnancov Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre (Platový poriadok)

27/2019 Smernica o zásadách odmeňovania zamestnancov UKF (Platový poriadok)

Smernica č. 23/2019 Registratúrny poriadok Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

23/2019 Smernica: Registratúrny poriadok UKF

21/2019 Smernica UKF Vnútorný systém vybavovania oznámení zamestnancov UKF v Nitre (oznamovateľov) o protispoločenskej činnosti

21/2019 Smernica: Vnútorný systém vybavovania oznámení zamestnancov UKF (oznamovateľov) o protispoločenskej činnosti

18/2019 Smernica Cena rektora za mimoriadne výsledky vo vedeckej, umeleckej a ďalšej tvorivej činnosti

18/2019 Smernica: Cena rektora za mimoriadne výsledky vo vedeckej, umeleckej a ďalšej tvorivej činnosti

14/2019Smernica o úhradách za ďalšie vzdelávanie

14/2019 Smernica o úhradách za ďalšie vzdelávanie

11/2019 Smernica o vykonávaní finančnej kontroly na UKF v Nitre

11/2019 Smernica o vykonávaní finančnej kontroly na UKF

10/2019 Smernica o verejnom obstarávaní a nákupe tovarov, služieb a prác na UKF v Nitre

10/2019 Smernica o verejnom obstarávaní a nákupe tovarov, služieb a prác na UKF

9/2019 Smernica o obehu dokladov na UKF v Nitre

9/2019 Smernica o obehu dokladov na UKF

Smernica č. 21/2018 Štatút Univerzitnej grantovej agentúry

21/2018 Štatút Univerzitnej grantovej agentúry

16/2018 Smernica UKF v Nitre Bezpečnostná smernica k ochrane osobných údajov

16/2018 Bezpečnostná smernica k ochrane osobných údajov

8/2018 Smernica Zásady hodnotenia vzdelávania a učiteľov študentmi univerzity

8/2018 Smernica: Zásady hodnotenia vzdelávania a učiteľov študentmi univerzity

Smernica č. 7/2016 Vykonávanie vnútornej kontroly na UKF v Nitre

Smernica č. 7/2016: Vykonávanie vnútornej kontroly na UKF

Smernica č. 44/2015 Knižničný poriadok Univerzitnej knižnice UKF v Nitre

Smernica č. 44/2015: Knižničný poriadok Univerzitnej knižnice UKF

31/2015 Smernica o bibliografickej registrácii publikačnej a umeleckej činnosti a ohlasov na UKF v Nitre

31/2015 Smernica o bibliografickej registrácii publikačnej a umeleckej činnosti a ohlasov na UKF

Vnútorný predpis č. 28/2015 k zabezpečeniu všeobecne prístupného akademického prostredia pre študentov so špecifickými potrebami

28/2015 Vnútorný predpis k zabezpečeniu všeobecne prístupného akademického prostredia pre študentov so špecifickými potrebami

Smernica č. 1/2009 o príprave a riešení projektov

Smernica č. 1/2009 o príprave a riešení projektov

Smernica č. 2/2008 o organizácii vzdelávacích, výskumných, umeleckých a ďalších činností uskutočňovaných za úhradu v rámci hlavnej činnosti UKF

Smernica č. 2/2008 o organizácii vzdelávacích, výskumných, umeleckých a ďalších činností uskutočňovaných za úhradu v rámci hlavnej činnosti UKF

Smernica č. 16/2007 o podnikateľskej činnosti na UKF

Smernica č. 16/2007 o podnikateľskej činnosti na UKF

20/2018 Príkaz rektora Oznámenie porušenia ochrany osobných údajov

20/2018 Príkaz rektora: Oznámenie porušenia ochrany osobných údajov

19/2018 Príkaz rektora Spracúvanie osobných údajov vo výberovom konaní a pri prijímaní zamestnancov do pracovného pomeru alebo iného pracovno-právneho vzťahu

19/2018 Príkaz rektora: Spracúvanie osobných údajov vo výberovom konaní

Kolektívna zmluva

17/2018 Príkaz rektora K zverejňovaniu osobných údajov

17/2018 Príkaz rektora k zverejňovaniu osobných údajov

13/2010 Príkaz rektora o evidencii dochádzky zamestnancov UKF

13/2010 Príkaz rektora o evidencii dochádzky zamestnancov UKF

11/2010 Príkaz rektora UKF v Nitre na realizáciu personálnej politiky

11/2010 Príkaz rektora na realizáciu personálnej politiky

Príkaz rektora č. 9/2008 Sledovanie hospodárenia s finančnými prostriedkami v správe Rektorátu UKF v Nitre

Príkaz rektora č. 9/2008: Sledovanie hospodárenia s finančnými prostriedkami v správe Rektorátu UKF

Príkaz rektora č. 5/2008 Pravidlá čerpania účelových finančných prostriedkov

Príkaz rektora č. 5/2008: Pravidlá čerpania účelových finančných prostriedkov

Príkaz rektora č. 13/2007 o používaní elektronického dochádzkového systému

Príkaz rektora č. 13/2007 o používaní elektronického dochádzkového systému



Vnútorné predpisy Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre

Vnútorný systém zabezpečovania kvality vysokoškolského vzdelávania UKF v Nitre 2021


Vnútorné predpisy Pedagogickej fakulty UKF