Study plan - Approved

Academic year:
Study programme:
BI15d - Molecular Biology - (Single degree study, Ph.D. III. deg., full time form)
Study field:
Person responsible for the delivery, development and quality of the study programme: prof. h. c. Dr. h. c. prof. Dr. MVDr. Jozef Laurinčík, DrSc. - subprogramme Molekulárna biológia

Study section
Compulsory courses
 Study part, Compulsory subjects

Block - Doctoral study Molecular biology - PP - study part Min. 10  Credits
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Symptom Prerequisites Teacher
KBG/DSMB/16  Molecular Biology   5 2S         
KAJK/dCJPr14/22  ESP for Doctoral Studies   5 2S        Kamenická, Kováčiková 

Compulsory elective courses
 Study part, Compulsory elective courses

Block - Doctoral study Molecular biology - PVP - study part Min. 10  Credits
 Poznámka: Z daného bloku môže študent získať maximálne 30 kreditov.
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Symptom Prerequisites Teacher
KBG/DSMGR/16  Molecular Genetics of Plants   5 2S         
KBG/DSMGZ/16  Molecular Genetics of Animal   5 2S         
KBG/DSMGC/16  Human Molecular Genetics   5 2S         
KCH/DSBCH/16  Biochemistry   5 2S         
KBG/DSBB/16  Cell Biology   5 2S         
KZA/DSPROT/22  Proteomics   5 2S         
KBG/DSBR/16  Plant Biotechnology   5 2S         
KZA/DSBZ/16  Animal Biotechnology   5 2S         
KBG/DSBI/22  Bioinformatics   5 2S         
KZA/DSME/16  Molecular Animal Endocrinology   5 2S         
KBG/DSMFR/16  Molecular Plant Physiology   5 2S         
KZA/DSMTZ/16  Molecular Toxicology of Animals   5 2S         
KBG/DSSC1/16  Study activities – 1st year            
KZA/DSSC1/16  Study activities – 1st year            
KBG/DSSC2/16  Study activities – 2nd year            
KZA/DSSC2/16  Study activities – 2nd year            
KBG/DSSC3/16  Study activities – 3rd year            
KZA/DSSC3/16  Study activities – 3rd year            
KBG/DSSC4/16  Study activities – 4th year            
KZA/DSSC4/16  Study activities – 4th year            
KBG/DSSC5/16  Study activities – 5th year            
KZA/DSSC5/16  Study activities – 5th year            
KBG/DSSC6/16  Study activities – 6th year            
KZA/DSSC6/16  Study activities – 6th year            

Block - Block: Doctoral study Molecular biology - PVP - pedagogical activity Min. 30  Credits
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Symptom Prerequisites Teacher
KBG/DSPA1/16  Educational activities – 1st year            
KZA/DSPA1/16  Educational Activities – 1st year            
KBG/DSPA2/16  Educational activities – 2nd year            
KZA/DSPA2/16  Educational Activities – 2nd year            
KBG/DSPA3/16  Educational activities – 3rdyear            
KZA/DSPA3/16  Educational Activities – 3rd year            
KBG/DSPA4/16  Educational activities – 4th year            
KZA/DSPA4/16  Educational Activities – 4th year            
KBG/DSPA5/16  Educational activities – 5th year            
KZA/DSPA5/16  Educational Activities – 5th year            
KBG/DSPA6/16  Educational activities – 6th year            
KZA/DSPA6/16  Educational Activities – 6th year            

Elective courses
 Selective Subjects

Research section

Block - Block: Doctoral Study Molecular Biology - PVP - scientific activity Min. 60  Credits
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Symptom Prerequisites Teacher
KBG/DSVV1/16  Study activities – 1st year            
KZA/DSVV1/16  Research activities – 1st year            
KBG/DSVV2/16  Research activities – 2nd year            
KZA/DSVV2/16  Research activities – 2nd year            
KBG/DSVV3/16  Research activities – 3rd year            
KZA/DSVV3/16  Research activities – 3rd year            
KBG/DSVV4/16  Research activities – 4th year            
KZA/DSVV4/16  Research activities – 4th year            
KBG/DSVV5/16  Research activities – 5th year            
KZA/DSVV5/16  Research activities – 5th year            
KBG/DSVV6/16  Research activities – 6th year            
KZA/DSVV6/16  Research activities – 6th year            

Other activities

State exams
Compulsory courses
 State exams, Compulsory subjects

Block - Block: Doctoral Study Molecular Biology - ŠS Min. 50  Credits
Abbreviation Name Current Credit Range End Year Sem. Symptom Prerequisites Teacher
DS  Dizertačná skúška
   - KBG/DS/16  Dissertation examination   20   SS           
   - KZA/DS/16  Dissertation Examination   20   SS           
SSdd  Dizertačná práca a jej obhajoba
   - KZA/SSdd/16  PhD Thesis and Its Defence   30   OB           
   - KBG/SSdd/16  PhD Thesis and Its Defence   30   OB           

Compulsory elective courses

Such a symbol can occur after the teaching range:
d - Days in a semester
h - Hours in a week
s - Hours in a semester
t - Weeks in a semester
When none of these symbols are given, expected range of teaching is "hours in a week"

Other signs can occur next to the courses of the study programmes
! - course will not be implemented in the given academic year
+ - course will not be implemented, perhaps the next academic year
- - course is implemented for the last time

* - course has more prerequisites

Symptom - Symptom in the study plan :
P - profile courses of the study programme